
Please email to with the subject being ------- Puppy Application 



Phone number (cell and home)

Address (street, city, State, zip)

Please tell me about your family. Please include ages of your kids.

Do you rent or own?
House/ Apartment/ Other

Do you have a fenced yard?

Have you ever owned a chihuahua?

Do you currently have pets? If so please tell me about them.

Do you currently have a vet? If so, Please provide name of clinic, phone number.

Are you looking for a pet/ breeding/ show?

All puppies bought as pets must be spayed or neutered by the age of 6 months old, are you okay with that?

All of our puppies have to be returned to us if at anytime you are unable to keep them, are you okay with that?

Please list any other information you'd like us to know about you or your family.

Do you have any questions for us?


Please email questionnaire to: